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equestria at war barrad guide

Barrad's national focus tree does not work like other nations. She has lived in Ponyville her entire life and is the grandmother of Applejack, the Element of Honesty. Silver Star will be able to instantly deploy forces straight from creation, so taking advantage of his large ponypower pool is recommended. A member of Equestria's nouveau riche at least by Canterloninan standards, Filthy Rich is a pioneering capitalist and industrialist. A wealthy businesspony, Filthy Rich has a monopoly on selling the delicious zap-apple jam which is produced only in Ponyville. Once you choose one, the focuses following it will grant reduced production cost of infantry equipment, buffs to magical equipment and a large bonus to combat on core territory. Not only that, but any state you control that doesn't already have the Barrad Climate modifier can be given it, which also gives an instant 30% compliance. Dread League | Equestria at War Wiki | Fandom Lead by the Pentarchy, a group of five creatures free to pursue their aims with no oversight or qualms, the ponies that live in Barrad are treated as nothing more then experiments. Ambrosius rules as a single dude, Asinti Ascension-Zebra gets possessed by demons. You protect the workers merge the militias and more. You open your food stores and all famine is solved.). If a civil war begins, the maluses will be removed and the player will be able to choose to play as Equestria, its vassals (if they have not pursued independence), or the Lunar Empire. Once you've completed most possible focuses the decision will unlock. Barrad has enemies on all sides, and can be attacked by all of them under certain circumstances. Finally, his knowledge as a general gives his pragmatic administration great insight into the military and the defensive needs of the nation, essential in the torn and chaotic modern world. Or will this be the end of Harmony for the ponies? Equestria has lived in harmony for a millennium under the guidance of the Alicorn Princess, Celestia. The lower half branches into two paths, with the left focusing on military modernization and doctrinal advancement, and the right granting a research slot, even more factories, resources and a way to fully remove the Outdated Industrial Sector development. If Equestria pursues as Constitutional Monarchy (The New Royal Role) or a Republic (The New Equestrian Republic), a President/Prime Minister will be elected. This general will go out of his way to talk to the media and will always try to be in the limelight. Step into the Fog.Link to the full Barrad Magocracy Playlist: Patreon page for s. The Princesses often entrust him with vital tasks, but he does not abuse his position and is a true gentlecolt, treating both the poor and the rich with equal politeness. These have various bonuses, as shown below. The hitchiker's guide to EAW secrets (A complete guide) Barrad: a place of dark magic and mysterious curses, where even its name can strike fear into the hearts of creatures. Any enemy state close to your border can be nuked endlessly by Viira, creating complete devastation. For details on how to begin the civil war, see Luna Led Reforms. He believes that the best way to hold the sea is by controlling the air. You can only form one or the other, so choose wisely. He's Flim If Chieftain Strongheart is selected, she will likely join Equestrian on her own accord, bypassing the first two focuses. The center branch gives wargoals on Wittenland, Kasa and Austurland first, Gryphian Host second, and the rest of the River Coalition last. Glorious :D Friendship is combined arms :D, I promised my friend I would play this mod and its actually a very well done mod, I was extremely surprised. Neighsay is strict and conservative, preferring to do things by the EEA guidelines. The right branch has research bonuses for military technologies and beneficial national spirits relating to warfare. If you chose the Military Applications For Clockworks focus in the Pentarchy tree instead, you will also have access to Soul-Bound Clockworks, which are a better version of Military Clockworks. She is brash, competitive and very talented, being the only pegasus capable of creating a Sonic Rainboom. Equestria At War "Shores of Zebrica" Jan 29 2023 Full Version Beyond the southern seas on the other side of the world lies the continent of Zebrica. You can do this by killing Asinti by collapsing his temple, killing Leopold after the Titan fight and killing Silver Star in his library if you have 1000 resources while searching it. I hope you enjoy the mod and its secrets as much as I did. Each has a resource count which can be increased through various means, and can be used on their decisions for buffs and decreasing the negative effects of Outdated Industrial Sector. equestria at war barrad guide - If he considered Asinti and/or Silver Star enemies, they will be killed, but if they were considered friends than Leopold will allow them to become generals once more or act as advisors, which will be represented by national spirits. The first segment is about establishing order and your rule in Barrad, giving divisions and removing The Pentarchy national spirit. Princess Twilight Sparkle is an alicorn, the Element of Magic, and the Princess of Friendship. Is there a mean time post-civil war? The heart of the tree is the Wartime Reforms, which lock off a variety of focuses that make Equestria incredibly powerful and dangerous. Friendship wins!-If the entirety of the Pentarchy become friends with each other, they peace out and you get the standard placeholder focus path. It seems she knows much about the rapid warfare tactics used by her kind in Zebrica, and can teach much to our mobile units. Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, better known as Cadance, is another Alicorn Princess, though she began life as a Pegasus. Barrad starts with 15k ponypower deployed, consisting of 7 infantry divisions, 6 of which are only 2-width noblepony groups. A good enough plan can survive contact with the enemy. Download the archive, following one of these links. Press J to jump to the feed. Biography: Myths and fables tell of two regal sisters who ruled together, creating harmony for all the land. OKAY WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS *Barrad Spoilers!* - reddit Otherwise, the chance varies from low to almost-certain. This path contains a Tenochtitlan State University, granting an extra research slot. Each region provides 7-12 infantry divisions at near full equipment level, each with 6 infantry battalions and a support artillery battalion. How do I unlock Twilight as a leader? COMPREHENSIVE. If Luna gives in, Nightmare Moon overtakes her and the Lunar Empire forms. Fancy Pants is a renowned member of the old Canterlot elite aristocracy, a shrewd businesspony and a clever diplomat. by | Published May 11, 2022 . Today we venture deep into the cursed woods of Barrad, where science and magic both mingle with the dark arts. Leopold Schmeller, a sickly griffon from the Herzland who believes that technological enhancement replacing flesh would allow Griffonia to thrive through the leadership of mechanical demigods. The final section has focuses for gaining more factories, improving your air force, and declaring war on Kasa, Gryphus, Austurland and finally the entire River Coalition at once. With the last focus you can pick the mayor, pick yourself (You get a new focus tree and create a technocratic state. It is available after one of the following: Most commonly, this is unlocked by Chrysalis taking the 140 day-long "Lead the Armies" focus. Her leadership and organization skills means she would do an excellent job at guiding the magical research department, and she is excited to take the job, even if it means she has to temporarily step down as the headmare of the School of Friendship. It is much appreciated. Revolutionaries began to speak of an alternative system, where all are equal. Together, these creatures form the Pentarchy, the masters of Barrad. Rarity is the Element of Generosity. With Leopold's hero division, any border war you attempt should be won easily. Having tricked his soldiers and impressed him with his combative personality, the Storm King offered her the vacant position of second-in-command. Now she is interested in heading a research department for developing healing megaspells, though some scientists in the group are curious about the more aggressive implementation of such magic. I decided to first write a comment containing everything but after people where still asking me questions I decided to write this. For example: event eaw_superevents.5 - this will trigger "The Great War" super event. These technologies can provide very substantial bonuses to Barrad, but require the corresponding member to be alive. There's no extra credit in Whiplash's world. However, it is not until Waking The Titan that he will be at full strength. Living in the many mountains, caves and hidden places of Equestria, thestrals live largely separated from mainstream society, which is an ancient schism from the days of Nightmare Moon. Meanwhile, Luna grows more comfortable in her role as ruler, and has created an ambitious proposal to heal the ancient rift between Thestral and Pony. Once Ambrosius finds the truth behind the being in Barrad, the first section appears about finally bringing sanity back to Barrad and fixing Ambrosius' old mistakes. Princess Celestia's role in maintaining thousand years of peace after Nightmare Moon's banishment has been well documented. Building up power and influence, one day he finally made his move. The Summon Generals focus will be your only source of more unit leaders due to Barrad being unable to recruit more in the normal way. I don't think this list mentioned Cyanolisia or Gryphian Host. If Equestria is losing a defensive non-civil war (>10% surrender) with a major, it can recruit militias from 5 regions for 40 political power each. Buffalo Relations is a path to integrate and develop the southern regions of Equestria, but requires a resolution to the buffalo tensions You will be given a first and second opportunity to resolve the situation with the buffaloes peacefully. The avatar reaches enlightenment through the last focus. For more information, please see our The final section has wargoals on the griffon nations in the Evi Valley and the River Coalition. Can the Pentarchy unravel the secrets behind this tainted land, or will they fall to infighting and betrayal first? Full list of ids you can find in file \events\SuperEvents.txt. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. However, these paled in comparison to the surprise invasion by the Changelings in 1002 ALB, a race of insect-like shapeshifters from the north who fed on the love of their victims. This can be one of Barrad's main strengths, as they are incredibly powerful and can allow the country to catch up fast and punch far above its weight. Demon Nation. The Non-aligned will start a civil war. You can check back here whenever you see a tooltip about the journal for new writing. Equestria at War Fast Clip is a member of the Wonderbolts and acts as a drill instructor, training cadets for the Wonderbolts Academy. Equestria is blessed with the leadership of Princesses Celestia and Luna, guardians of the heavenly bodies. He naturally became part of the political scene in the wake of the democratic movement after the civil war due to his popularity and reputation for fairness, joining the movement on a platform of simply hearing out his fellow ponies and acting on their wishes. why does anemia cause thrombocytosis 11 mai 2022 . The community subreddit of Equestria at War, a My Little Pony inspired mod for the video game Hearts of Iron 4. Strangers No More is an excellent focus in particular for its +20% attack and defense on core territory. However, it may be smart to save some in case unforeseen events occur. Could you please explain why your flair changes to something (usually vaguely sexual) every little while? Shocked by the crackdown and ensuing violence, Princess Celestia withdrew Equestrian Forces from the region, and fired the Captain of the Guard. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. She is a reliable pony, but doesn't talk much and focuses on her duty. -Giant Mecha-Bird makes a mecha-nation. Prince Blueblood is a distant nephew of Princess Celestia and thus belongs to the royal family. Taking the focuses relating to the fate of the Pentarchy will grant a research slot and largely depend on the past relationship Leopold had with the other members. with a bleaker setting rife with both nuances and its own plentiful While he isn't afraid of hard work or great dangers, he does love to rest, take it easy and enjoy some delicious apple pie. (Famine strikes and if no one decides to help you a fourth of your nation dies. Each character also has a relations stat with the members of the Pentarchy, not counting Ambrosius. Over the years, Count Ambrosius invited other like-minded creatures to join his court, free to pursue knowledge without ethical strings attached. This is another reason I love this mod, so full of secrets to discover & explore; I know some may find this spoiling the sense of discovery, but it's good that we can now find these secret paths and experience them rather than searching aimlessly. The growing Equestrian Capitalist Class charged extortionate rates for food and refused to drop prices. Now that war is on our doorstep, perhaps we can give him a more serious duty to fulfill. She owns a chain of fashion boutiques and is a well-known entrepreneur and clothing designer. The main way to increase relations is by having Leopold carouse with other members, though they may be affected through other means as well. There, Nightmare Moon will attempt to seize control and start a civil war as the Lunar Empire. The right path is unlocked if Silver Star gave full autonomy to his undead in the previous tree. Pentarchy Dead!-Whoops, all corpses! Do not take the decision to "Look Through It's Remains" after Silver Star's ascension if you wish to go down this path, as it will remove "Undead Autonomy" and lock you out of it. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! The left path will be available if your undead do not have autonomy, and is focused on rapidly ramping up your armed forces to fight the Riverlands. The first section will result in locking your economy and conscription laws to Civilian Economy and Volunteer Only, but will almost immediately be counteracted with incredibly powerful national spirits which will give huge amounts of recruitable population and excellent economic benefits. Ambitious creatures from all over the world came to join him, but only four rose above the rest. Some unnecessary focuses may also focus on a certain character in the Pentarchy. Cruel, dangerous, but powerful, the five magocrats are the undisputed masters of Barrad, although they occasionally squabble amongst themselves. The recent campaign to welcome the Fourth Tribe into Equestria has changed this, and Princess Luna has now assumed a complementary role alongside her sister, working to realise the dreams of her subjects. It will also actually allow you to hire advisors, design companies and high command again. Bitter and lonely, Fizzlepop left her homeland to Zebrica, where she eventually stumbled into the Storm King. She can only do so much magic at once, and going over that limit will have dire consequences.

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equestria at war barrad guide