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lucius plugs harry fanfiction

If he has not been able to birth a child in five years. One Life Ends* Warnings: mpreg Warnings: angst, violence, very ambiguous consent; please approach with caution! Warnings: dub con, non con, non linear narrative, D/s, psychological trauma, sadism But is Harry alone in his desires, or is his suffering not in vain? Summary:On his way to calm down after a visit from Pansy Draco comes across a scene that is seemingly hand plucked from one of his forbidden dreams. Summary: Harry Potter cant escape his ancestry, or the consequences of coming back from the dead. Summary: After the War, Lucius finds himself employed by Nott the elder as a Caller. Author: amethystangel Author: BloodMoon Wicca Warning: dubious consent Summary: The Muggle world is a cold and unfriendly place to a wizard used to the finer things in life. Summary: After his imprisonment in Azkaban, Lucius Malfoy nearly loses the struggle for his sanity. It wasnt until Harry discovered he was pregnant did things start to become complicated. Summary: Happy Birthday, Harry. Summary: Just when it seems that Lucius will have Severus all to himself (and vice versa), the peace intrudes into their relationship. * Author: TheVulgarBookworm Author: Aeowen Summary: After the responsibility of the war, Harry just wants to surrender control. Between the Dead and the Sleeping Warnings: dub con, bondage, voyeurism The Golden Prince 3: Breaking in the Boy* Rating: R Two years have passed and its the night of Harrys 17th birthday. Meant To Be Rating: PG-13 Warnings: AU Rating: R Summary: 5 years, 5 rooms of Malfoy Manor- Lucius and Harry carry on. Warnings: crossdressing, Dumbledore!bashing Summary: Harrys romantic birthday surprise from Lucius. Summary: Harry and Lucius continue their discreet relationship, until Narcissa gets wind of it. Any Cost* A Spell To Turn Tigers To Butter* Author: Juxian Tang Author: naturegirlrocks Author: Lomonaaeren Rating: NC-17 Author: pissedoffeskimo Warnings: D/s Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Author: vlredreign Summary: Lucius Malfoy hates Christmas gifts, but he doesnt realize hes been given the greatest gift of all. Warnings: infidelity Stepping Up He would outlive this. Author: RedQueenReigns Tiger, Tiger Rating: R Hands Off My Half-Blood Time Travel To the Snakes Den* Summary: Lucius would do anything to make Draco happy, including giving him the perfect birthday present Harry Potter. When the Stone was stolen, the King sent out his knights to retrieve it. Descent into the Debauchery of Darkness* Speechless* How does he not get killed?Is he good at distracting? He only wants one thing. To Love a Malfoy Jade Green Eyes Summary:Lucius Malfoy knows what he wants, but does Harry want the same? Oh, does he get it! Some are easy and some arent. Warnings: implied Snarry Author: Roo_Bastmoon AO3. Summary: Draco watches Lucius and Harry, but does not realise what he is seeing until it is too late. Rating: R Author: Anne Phoenix Feel For You* Rating: R You would think he would know better than to get caught. Rating: NC-17 Feathery Kisses* Summary: How long before despair and hopelessness destroy all will to live? Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Summary:Lucius is very insecure about his sexuality. Summary: Landing back in time and falling in love with not one but two wizards was surprisingly enough not Dumbledores doing. Rating: NC-17 How a trip to Gringotts changed him from The Boy Who Lived to Heir of the Dark Lord. Summary: What happens if Harry was forced to bond with Lucius Malfoy and became pregnant? Rating: PG-13 Warnings: abuse, non con, violence Summary:An indecent request sends Lucius Malfoy on a plight to help his son. Rating: NC-17 Summary: This fic is part of the Beloved Enemies Harry/Lucius Fuh-Q-Fest. Rating: PG-13 Author:Bridgette_Hayden Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Draco Summary: Lucius feels the magic of someones music. Someone asked for more Master!Lucius/Pet!Harry. Lucius as Mr Rochester. Author: Kiddiluna A Dictionary Drabble based on the word ameliorate., Sequel: Proof Enough Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape, Harry/Voldemort, Harry/Draco Author: Cluegirl Author: DictionaryWrites Warnings: non con, BDSM, threesome, incest Author: Scifinerd92 Sedated and Compliant The fiction and artwork posted on this blog are based on characters and situations created and owned by J. K. Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scho-lastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. Place tongue firmly in cheek and read on to find out why. Rating: NC-17 Probably not. Warnings: mpreg, character death Rating: NC-17 Summary: Though Harry tries to hold on, hes fighting a losing battle against the Dark, and Lucius intends to be the one to finally break him in any way he can. Author: iulia_linnea Summary: An old contract is brought to light that forces Harry to marry one of the Malfoys! i tried to keep them in character some but this is my universe so they are oocs as well. Warnings: threesome, OOC Summary: Harry in all his unluckiness ends up in the past. The Fae* Author: leni_jess Well See Them Again* Summary: Harry wants Lucius to be his first. Warnings: female!Harry Rating: NC-17 Warnings: creature!fic Rating: PG-13 Summary:Another Harry accidently Bonds to another story. Warnings: BDSM Summary:Prince Harry Potter is coming into his Veela inheritance and the whole Veela kingdom is invited. Warnings: non con, violence, multiple partners A short temper. Warnings: character death, AU, dark!Harry Author: Sapphire_Saxe_Cobalt Will he accept their offer of joining the party? Rating: T The Serpents Kiss Rating: NC-17 Except for when it doesnt. Rating: NC-17 Summary:He woke up and found himself alone in bed. Summary: Harry and Lucius discover that not all magic can be learned and that sometimes it just happens to you. Rating: NC-17 Author: KiyoshiMichi Rating: NC-17 Plot bunny from Allexandrya. While keeping Snape busy, he sends Lucius to Hogwarts as Snape using polyjuice. Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Author: thorinsmistress Summary: The Final Battle is here, and Harry stands on the brink of damnation. Summary: When starts the beginning of forever? Author: Alien_Slushie Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry Potter was never supposed to be known, he never should have been chosen. Summary: Harry and Lucius have an accident that forces them to bond. Author: knightmare Rating: NC-17 Rating: Not provided Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Draco/Severus Author: Minxie The scent of the broom polish, the smoothness of the lacquered handle, the texture of its parts. Author: sepulchrecas Author: Veritas (moltensulfur) Warnings: references to slavery Sweet Nothings Summary: Lucius is escorting his grandchild onto Platform 9-3/4, when he spots Harry with two children. Author: malika azrael He really should thank Harry Potter. Summary: Harry needs to tell Lucius something, but cant figure out how. Author: FrankieSpitfire Author: WereBunny87 A shame that the transformed people are violent and leak allure until they find their true mates. The Loathing In Those Green Eyes, sequel to The Cost of Change Rating: T Warnings: mpreg, character death Rating: NC-17 Rating: PG Sequel to Magnanimity. Sequel: Thank You Draco He was patient. Summary: Harry is captured by Luciusor is he? He panted as he floated blissfully in his post orgasmic haze. Warnings: incest, Polyjuice, violence, character death Rating: NC-17 Together they come up with a plan to destroy Voldemort. Summary: What a fine prize this will be, Voldemort murmured, barely loud enough for Harry to hear, apparently more amused by Harrys reticence than angered. Now as the new Dark Lord he hunts down those that betrayed him, waiting for the day that he will be able to join his husband. Summary: Lord Abraxas Malfoy weds his seventeen year-old omega son to Lord Cygnus Black, but after enduring five years in a dreadful marriage, Lucius has yet to give his lord husband a male heir. Only The Best * Warnings: AU, OC, creature inheritance, character bashing Rating: PG AO3 | DW | FFN A Costume Drama Harry travels to Japan to find what hes really looking for, to discover who it is that holds his heart. The Adventures of the Sex God Savior Chapter 1: Part One, a harry Rating: PG Author: keikokin Which leads to a few other changes. An uninvited guest. Summary: Harry wants something different for Valentines. Rating: NC-17 Harry needs a favour. * Voldie decides to see how loyal Sev really is. Cold Comfort Rating: R Author:SweetSorcery Summary: The cane wasnt as bad as Aunt Marge made it out to be. Author: Dessi Marie However, his life never goes according to his plan. For 5 years he stayed out of his way, noting which events Lucius RSVPd to and sending his regrets to the same. Warnings: infidelity Mean It Summary: After a one night stand with Lucius Malfoy, Harry is pregnant. When that lover shows up, will Harry be willing to take them back? Or when Lucius Abraxas Malfoy finally got his Lady and served her with his all. Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Lucius/Harry, Lucius/Draco, Lucius/Others Rating: NC-17 His only support during this tortuous imprisonment is a man he thought he hated. Warnings: non con Summary: Harry owns a bookshop. Regret Is Like Poison* Rating: NC-17 Summary:Harry is rescued from Privet Drive and is sent to live at Malfoy Manor. The Darkness Rating: NC-17 Warnings: violence, mpreg, OOC Summary: When Voldemort wins the war, the Aurors do things rather differently. Potential Everywhere Everyone he thought of asking would have a problem with it, why did everyone have to have such a high opinion of him. Author: Lomonaaeren Rating: R It is a place that can free you from your anguish and suffering. Summary: Long live the revolution. Author: GhostIsReading Warnings: A/B/O, breeding kink, knotting, royalty!AU Jealousy Warnings: underage Not Like This* Rating: M But some unexpected news will make his world come crashing down. It was everything that the deep, dark, submissive side of Harry wanted. Rating: NC-17 Rating: R Author: Usagi_shimei Rating: NC-17 Summary: Captured by Death Eaters, Harry escapes with the assistance of an enemy. Summary: No summary provided. Rating: NC-17 Author: Hijja Warnings: drabble Unexpected Letter Rating: R Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Rating: M Warnings: non con He ends up in a place he never thought he could be. Summary:Harry is kidnapped and falls into the hands of Lucius Malfoy who makes him his pet. Rating: NC-17 Sticking Point Warnings: incest Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Tool, Sober. Brothers In Arms Warnings: implied kinks Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Snape Summary: Life isnt about playing fair, its about having confidence, and Severus has oodles of it. Summary:Harry and Lucius have a great deal of business to settle, but also a great deal of pleasure. Ball Gown* Author: Anne Phoenix Author: TakeyourMeds Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Blaise Rating: NC-17 Author: vlredreign Author: The Drow Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco, Harry/Bellatrix, Draco/Snape Warnings: minor character death, violence Snow Is Beautiful Summary: Lucius finds himself in a quandary when his beloved pet tries to escape and then wakes up with no recollection of the past two years in his life. Warnings: fem!Harry, het Treacherous Boy Much To Discuss* Summary: No summary provided. Summary:How does Lucius react when the grounds are being over run by golf balls? Warnings: AU Pairings: Lucius/Harry, Remus/Harry Warnings: non con, BDSM, OOC Warnings: het Author: FairyNiamh Summary: Lucius Malfoy was extremely happy that the war was finally over, his manipulative wife was dead and the mark was fading, however his soul was not complete. Big Black Horse and a Cherry Tree* Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco, Harry/Severus Summer Fun Happy Victory Day Hed already been abandoned by countless people. Rating: NC-17 kinks Rating: NC-17 Summary: Lucius is drawn to Harry. Perfection Cut off from the outside world he was cast into Hell. Warnings: Dom/sub undertones, spanking I Am Here Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Lucius, past Harry/Voldemort, Harry/McNair, implied Harry/Narcissa He is surprised to find an ally in the form of his guard Draco Malfoy. Warnings:non con, character death, violence Rating: R His footsteps had again led him right into his own personal Room of Requirement: Snapes office. Author: DictionaryWrites From grief and sorrow came their friendship to each other, but with time came their love and bond to the other. Does he want to? Warnings: BDSM, threesome, PWP Author: RainisFalling13 Summary: He should have been prepared, he should have been used to this. Summary: Its a Saturday morning. Summary: After the war, Lucius spent a great deal of time trying not to think about Harry Potter. Private Proposition Repetition Author: Nimori Sequel: And Another Life Begins* Summary: Harry is a Dark Veela but doesnt know it until his seventeenth birthday. Summary: Lucius takes Harry to a secluded chateau for the next stop on the infamous List. But Harry decides to turn the tables. Last One Standing Rating: M A Christmas To Remember When Sirius shows up, many things are resolved. That was why he kept coming back for more. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus Rating: NC-17 Some Dark Undercurrent Woe Rating: M Warnings: threesome, incest Warnings: BDSM, threesome Rating: NC-17 Summary: Voldemort kills Narcissa so as revenge Lucius helps Harry. Summary:As Midsummer approaches, Harry has to decide whether to make a try at extending his and Luciuss temporary handfasting into a permanent oneor to trust that Lucius might try that himself. Revenge* Apollos Lovers Warnings: mpreg, character death Warnings: light BDSM, double penetration, Master/pet Warnings: threesome, possible dub con Rating: NC-17 Rating: R Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape There Are Too Many Doors Summary: What does a fanfiction writer do when he/she is upset? Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco, Harry/Others, Draco/Others Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Lucius/Fenrir, Lucius/Others Summary: The Dark Lord Voldemort changed his ideals and wants Harry Potter on his side. Rating: NC-17 So Many Men, So Little Harry* Rating: PG Restraint* Summary: Returning to Britain holds some serious challenges for the three men. Pairings:Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus Rating: NC-17 Ownership* Warnings: mrpeg Author: Xandria It may be a bit more explicit than it should be. Summary: When an interviewer uses Veritaserum to get the dirt on Mr. Potter, Harry winds up saying too much. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Sing For Me, Cry For Me Pink Slip* Rating: R Warnings: D/s Author: daiseechain Under the misguided belief that only a dark wizard could defeat another dark wizard, Harry is imprisoned and forced under an Enslavement Charm to the last person in the world he would ever want to find himself bound to. Summary: The house elves are upset, Lucius is worried, and Harry is confused.

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lucius plugs harry fanfiction