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Auto Lens Subscription customers receive free shipping, and your credit card wont be charged until your Auto Lens Subscription ships. Biofinity XR Toric Single Diagnostic lens- Soft (hydrophilic) Contact Lens (extended wear) Code Information: UDI: N/A Lot Numbers: R24395839, R24406094, R24409954: Recalling Firm/ Manufacturer: CooperVision, Inc. 180 Thruway Park Dr West Henrietta NY 14586-9798: For Additional Information Contact: SAME Biofinity XR Toric Product Information. Common variations of terminology and abbreviations: If there is any confusion regarding your prescription, leave the fields blank. Acuvue Oasys lenses are designed for biweekly replacement; Biofinity toric lenses are monthly replacement lenses. Proclear Tailor Made Toric (1 Lens) Proclear Toric XR (3 Lenses) PureVision. 6 tinted soft contact lenses in buffered saline, 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Biofinity XR Toric Contact Lenses | 1-800 CONTACTS. CooperVision definitely did great here! Placement of the extra power in a toric lens for astigmatism. Biofinity Toric : 128 75 to 225 10 full 8.7 14.5 +8 to -10 6 FW 1 MO 44.74 - 69.99 : CooperVision Biofinity Toric XR: 128 275 to 575 1: 5 full 8.7 14.5 +10 to -10 6 FW 1 MO 96.99 - 139.99 : CooperVision Biofinity toric multifocal: 128 75 to 575: 5 full 8.7 14.5 +10 to -10 6 Give Your Eyes Some Love This Valentines Day. Biofinity XR toric are a reliable comfortable and stable fit of contact lenses. You can compare the prices of all our lenses on our Contact Lens Specifications page. Acuvue and Biofinity are both highly respected brands in the world of contacts. CooperVision makes a number of soft lenses that correct astigmatism including Biofinity toric lenses and Biofinity XR toric lenses. Biofinity Toric XR custom lenses in a 6-pack are made-to-order lenses designed to correct higher degrees of astigmatism. 10) Biotrue ONEday for Astigmatism correct blurry vision, provide moisture for your eyes, and protect your eyes from both UVA and UVB rays. How older drivers can improve their driving at night, Contact lenses for astigmatism: Toric, GP and hybrid lenses, Your guide to colored contact lenses for astigmatism. Biofinity XR toric 6 Pack Biofinity XR toric contact lenses bring the proven comfort, clarity and stable fit of the Biofinity brand to people who may otherwise not have the opportunity to experience the benefits of a premium silicone hydrogel lens. Standard contact lenses have a spherical surface: think of a slice of the side of a beach ball. Biofinity XR contact lenses are to correct astigmatism made from a unique, naturally water-loving material that helps them stay moist. Biofinity XR toric lenses have even higher amounts of cylinder power (up to -5.75 D), which means they can correct even higher amounts of astigmatism. Value. AIR OPTIX AQUA (3 Lenses) AIR OPTIX AQUA Multifocal (3 Lenses) AIR OPTIX AQUA NIGHT & DAY AQUA (3 Lenses) Biofinity. Biofinity toric contact lenses have cylinder powers up to -2.25 diopters (D), and Biofinity XR toric lenses have cylinder powers up to -5.75 D. This means that these two products together work for the majority of the population with astigmatism. Biofinity lens material is highly breathable, which allows greater levels of oxygen to freely flow through the lens, and helps keep your eyes clear, white, and healthy. Only an eye care professional can recommend specific contact lenses based on your personal situation. 2013 CooperVision study; data on file. The lens is inside the eye, behind the pupil, so it cannot be directly reshaped with a contact lens. Biofinity XR Toric are meant for patients with astigmatism and high spherical prescription. Biofinity Toric XR and Biofinity Toric are both well-known, popular contact lenses for correcting astigmatism. Call us at Description. Proclear Toric XR 6pk Contact Lenses. Creates an optimised balance of high oxygen permeability, good water content and optimum modulus to provide increased breathability and moisture in a soft, flexible lens. The XR version of the Biofinity consists of a power range between +15.00 and -20.00. Please login or Optimized Toric Lens Geometry provides predictable, consistent visual acuity, lens stability, fit, and comfort. Opens in a new window, Pin this on Pinterest. Here at CheapAsContacts, we strive to provide our customers the fastest, easiest, and cheapest contact lens purchase. Youll also find that Biofinity Toric feature a lower price point. Most brands come in a couple of sizes. Eyeglass temples: How do you know if they're the right length? Biofinity Toric XR custom lenses in a 6-pack are made-to-order lenses designed to correct higher degrees of astigmatism. Additional special offer codes are not eligible with price matched products. Why are some toric lenses more popular than others? Moreover, only your ECP can tell you the best contacts for your eyes. These two monthly lenses for astigmatism are very similar. 2023 Walmart Contacts. Whenever you see this symbol on our site, it indicates that the product is likely eligible for reimbursement using a flexible spending account (FSA) or a health savings account (HSA). Excellent vision performance thanks to Optimised Toric Lens Geometry, a toric lens design for stability, clarity and comfort 1-3. An innovative material technology that hydrates contact lenses to twice their weight in water for natural wettability1 and incredible comfort. Proclear Multifocal XR. Your eyes will stay moisturized throughout the day without sacrificing breathability. Visit our Free Shipping, Free Return Shipping Policy, check out our Shipping Rates and Delivery Times, browse our customer testimonials, or read the full Walmart Contacts 100% Hassle Free Guarantee to find out why we're the best place to shop for contact lenses, glasses, and eye care products online. CVI data on file, 2019. Biofinity toric contacts feature Optimized Lens Geometry. Requests for price matching (refunding the difference) must be made within 10 days of purchase date. Now, for the first time, even your astigmatic patients with high refractive errors can wear silicone hydrogel, monthly contact lenses with the proven CooperVision Biofinity design. Biofinity Toric (3 Lenses) Biomedics. What does toric mean on contact lenses? Proclear. visibility blue. When you buy Biofinity XR Toric from NextdayLenses.com, you can expect quality lenses, sourced directly from the manufacturer. The web site with the lower price must be located in the United States. Biofinity Toric XR, 6 pack - FREE Shipping at CVS Optical CVS Optical Contacts Biofinity Toric XR Biofinity Toric XR | 6 pack $149.99 1 year supply 2 boxes per eye 6 month supply 1 box per eye Custom Supply Right eye (OD) Left eye (OS) Annual Supply = 4 boxes (2 per eye) Free Standard Shipping Free Returns within 1 year of Purchase HSA/FSA Eligible What Are the Effects of Smoking on the Eyes? JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Still have questions? 2) Biofinity toric contact lenses are designed to give you both comfort and vision stability. This toric lens design is multifaceted to ensure optimal visual acuity, lens stability, fit and comfort. CooperVision is #1 in the US for toric contact lensesand rated as being the experts in toric designs from eye care professionals,so its no surprise that Biofinity toric is the most prescribed toric lens1. Biofinity XR toric lenses have even higher amounts of cylinder power (up to -5.75 D), which means they can correct even higher amounts of astigmatism. Youre saving 5% off every future shipment. Biofinity XR toric contact lenses - 6 pack. Biofinity XR Toric are monthly contact lenses to correct astigmatism. Product details Description CooperVision Biofinity XR toric lenses help correct the blurry effects of astigmatism for wearers who have had trouble wearing contacts in the past due to high prescriptions. Biofinity XR Toric Reviews. Free Shipping Over $ 99 More stock and . High breathability allows 100% of the oxygen to reach your eyes 5, to help them . This is true for all brands of toric contact lenses. Air Optix Hydraglyde for Astigmatism. But if your eyeball is shaped more like a football, light gets bent more in one direction than another. Want to know the differences before you commit to one? This is because they are designed to correct astigmatism and therefore feature a more complex lens design which is harder to manufacture. The XR in Biofinity Toric XR means that it features an extended range. Eye Right (OD) B.C. The lenses are made by CooperVision. We will run you through everything you need to know in terms of material, prescription, technical parameters, unique features, and cost. Information regarding your contact lens order may be considered health information.By placing a contact lens order you specifically request and authorize us to include contact lens information in order-related e-mails that we send you. All things considered, the best thing we can do is expand your awareness about contact lens brands and their features so that you know what to discuss with your ECP. You can purchase Biofinity toric and Biofinity XR toric lenses from your eye doctor, online or at any retail optical store that sells major brands of contact lenses. Still unsure? By CooperVision. It creates a naturally hydrophilic silicone hydrogel lens with optimum modulus that is highly breathable, so your patients can enjoy a healthy, more comfortable, lens-wearing experience. Biofinity XR Toric 6-Pack Contact Lens Details Biofinity XR toric contact lenses bring the proven comfort, clarity and stable fit of the Biofinity brand to people who may otherwise not have the opportunity to experience the benefits of a premium silicone hydrogel lens. $70.99. Copyright 1999-2023 Costco Wholesale Corporation. Sign up now to have your contact lenses shipped automatically. Clariti. Biofinity XR. If you have a higher level of astigmatism, you can still enjoy a level of comfort championed by any other kind. Biofinity lens material is highly breathable, which allows greater levels of oxygen to freely flow through the lens, and helps keep your eyes clear, white, and healthy.

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